Prayer Requests
Joys & Concerns
- Josh Kerr’s message!
- Amanda Dean has recovered enough to be in worship!
- Mike Fullington and Sara Judson for making sure we had music.
- The Reading Buddies program is doing well.
- The fellowship and discussion at lunch following worship on Sunday.
- Sally Fenet asked that we pray for the family of Tommy Kerr, who passed away in Alabama recently.
- Carla’s cousin, Ronnie Christ, died January 21st. Keep all of the family in your prayers please.
- Sally Fenet’s son-in-law’s father has died. James is on his way to the funeral in the UK. Pray that he has both safe travels and peace.
- Joyce’s daughter, Nikki, living in the fire zone in California. Pray for her and all people in the path of the fires please.
- Jessie’s uncle will have open heart surgery near the end of January, pray for success.
- Leslie is backpacking in Italy and Spain. We’re praying she and her friend have a wonderful and safe trip.
- Please pray for Marilyn, Dorothy and Amy. Dorothy asked that we pray for her patience.
- Willie Bellard has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said it was discovered early, and treatment will start ASAP.
- Larry Rewerts has a bone/hip tumor, we’re praying for his health and a speedy recovery.
- We’re praying for Ann Knapp, that her hip replacement surgery will be rescheduled soon and that she can wait in peace.
- Barbara Bailey’s friend, Lindia Riche and her son, need prayer to work through alcoholism and financial issues.
- Diane Denison of Westminster Presbyterian is has suffered burns and is in the hospital. Pray for her to be free of pain and for her family.
- Pray for those who do not know Christ!
- Prayers for Jack Peshoff, still in his teens, Jack is hospitalized with major health issues.
- Malcolm Glaspy has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Lenn Knapp asked that we pray for Malcolm and for his mother, Judy Russell.
- Continued prayers Barabra’s sister-in-law, Charlette Streete has an aneurysm on her heart.
- Leslie’s father and stepmother are struggling with health issues.
- Janin Hunter Robert is being treated for breast cancer. Pray for success and peace!
- Pray for our church, the Welsh church, Westminster, and St. Andrew. May the Lord’s will guide our steps. Fill our congregations with the Holy Spirit!
- For our service members.
- We’re praying for our country & its leaders.
- For the homeless and all who may suffer from the winter weather.
- For the mentally ill.
- The teachers and students at Oak Park & Fairview schools are in our prayers!
Prayerful Ways to Start & End Your Day
Morning Prayer: O God of this and every morning, as I begin this day, call my name; as I step into this day, guide my feet; as I live this day, care for those I love; as I learn this day, teach me your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Evening Prayer: Household Prayer (Evening):
God of stars and planets, the setting sun ends this day for us as it rises on a new day for others. For us and for them, be light in every darkness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.