
Prayer Requests

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?(Required)
Do you attend FPC?(Required)
Do we have permission to share this request during our prayer service?(Required)
Please enter any information or details about this prayer request. Doing so will allow us to pray specifically with you. We will NOT share or post any information or details you provide below outside of our internal prayer team.

Joys & Concerns


  • Josh Kerr’s message!
  • Amanda Dean has recovered enough to be in worship!
  • Mike Fullington and Sara Judson for making sure we had music.
  • The Reading Buddies program is doing well.
  • The fellowship and discussion at lunch following worship on Sunday.


  • Sally Fenet asked that we pray for the family of Tommy Kerr, who passed away in Alabama recently.
  • Carla’s cousin, Ronnie Christ, died January 21st.  Keep all of the family in your prayers please.
  • Sally Fenet’s son-in-law’s father has died. James is on his way to the funeral in the UK.  Pray that he has both safe travels and peace.
  • Joyce’s daughter, Nikki, living in the   fire zone in California. Pray for her and all people in the path of the fires please.
  • Jessie’s uncle will have open heart surgery near the end of January, pray for success. 
  • Leslie is backpacking in Italy and Spain. We’re praying she and her friend have a wonderful and safe trip.
  • Please pray for Marilyn, Dorothy and Amy. Dorothy asked that we pray for her patience.
  • Willie Bellard has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said it was discovered early, and treatment will start ASAP.
  • Larry Rewerts has a bone/hip tumor, we’re praying for his health and a speedy recovery.
  • We’re praying for Ann Knapp, that her hip replacement surgery will be rescheduled soon and that she can wait in peace.
  • Barbara Bailey’s friend, Lindia Riche and her son, need prayer to work through alcoholism and financial issues.
  • Diane Denison of Westminster Presbyterian is has suffered burns and is in the hospital. Pray for her to be free of pain and for her family.
  • Pray for those who do not know Christ!
  • Prayers for Jack Peshoff, still in his teens, Jack is hospitalized with major health issues.
  • Malcolm Glaspy has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Lenn Knapp asked that we pray for Malcolm and for his mother, Judy Russell.
  • Continued prayers Barabra’s sister-in-law, Charlette Streete has an aneurysm on her heart.  
  • Leslie’s father and stepmother are struggling with health issues.
  • Janin Hunter Robert is being treated for breast cancer. Pray for success and peace!
  • Pray for our church, the Welsh church, Westminster, and St. Andrew.  May the Lord’s will guide our steps.  Fill our congregations with the Holy Spirit!
  • For our service members.
  • We’re praying for our country & its leaders.
  • For the homeless and all who may suffer from the winter weather.
  • For the mentally ill.
  • The teachers and students at Oak Park & Fairview schools are in our prayers!

Prayerful Ways to Start & End Your Day

Morning Prayer: O God of this and every morning, as I begin this day, call my name; as I step into this day, guide my feet; as I live this day, care for those I love; as I learn this day, teach me your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Evening Prayer: Household Prayer (Evening):
God of stars and planets, the setting sun ends this day for us as it rises on a new day for others. For us and for them, be light in every darkness. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.